Over the next several months, Justice in Aging is releasing a series of papers containing specific policy recommendations that California’s Master Plan for Aging must include to meet its goals to advance equity, increase economic security and safety, and improve access to quality, affordable health care and LTSS programs. These recommendations are informed by our expertise in the various programs serving low-income older adults, and the set of Master Plan principles we released earlier this year. We will partner with other trusted experts and advocates in developing each set of recommendations. The third in this series of papers, Addressing Senior Hunger by Maximizing CalFresh and the Hold Harmless Food Benefits, offers specific policy recommendations for addressing troubling senior hunger trends, and the low utilization among seniors of available benefits. We are grateful to partners at the California Association of Food Banks, California Food Policy Advocates, and Western Center on Law & Poverty, with whom we worked to develop these recommendations. Relatedly, the California Department on Aging is presenting a webinar with Justice in Aging Executive Director Kevin Prindiville, and other partners, on Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness tomorrow at 9:30 AM. You can join using zoom. | |